Miramar Childcare
Philosophy & Learning Priorities
We place the children at the heart of all our practice and encourage each child to be the leader of their own learning. We create a holistic, play based programme inspired by the children and guided by Te Whāriki. As teachers we scaffold and extend upon the children’s strengths and interests. We provide a natural learning environment which is stimulating and valued as the third teacher, where risks and challenges are positively promoted, that are both physically and emotionally safe. As an Enviroschool we support and encourage our tamariki to protect and look after the environment, to be a kaitiaki.
We believe that families / whānau are the primary educators of their children. Teachers work collaboratively in ways that empower children and their whānau to share in the responsibility for teaching and learning of each child’s individual journey. We value the community as an extension of our wider learning environment and to incorporate them into our program.
We respect the unique position of Māori as tangata whenua (people of the land) in Aotearoa and all children will be given the opportunity to develop their knowledge and understanding of the cultural heritages of both partners to Te Tiriti o Waitangi. We are inclusive by recognising and embracing the multicultural diversity of the children and whānau in our community and encourage and support our tamariki to show manaakitanga and be respectful and inclusive also.
Our teaching team are professional, enthusiastic, responsive and work collaboratively. We share a love for children and a passion for teaching. This is reflected in our ability to make learning fun and our understanding that learning is a lifelong process.
Our four learning priorities are; kaitiakitanga, manaakitanga, maia and manawanui.
Children’s learning and development are fostered by building on what children bring to early childhood education including family/whanau, culture and language.
Adults can provide the encouragement, warmth and acceptance. Teachers can provide challenges for creative and complex learning and thinking, helping children to extend their ideas through sensitive informed, well judged intervention and support.
Children will have the opportunities to create and act on their own ideas, to develop knowledge and skills in areas that interest them and to make an increasing number of their own decisions.
Children’s learning and development will be integrated through tasks, activities and contexts that have meaning for the child such as care routines, mealtimes, exploration and play and maintaining warm relationships with other children and teachers.